Simple change to your environment leads to eating less

A new study suggests keeping your house clean and organized will help you eat less. A messy house – and the stress associated with it, encourages overeating.

In particular, keeping your kitchen clean may help you keep your eating in check.

The study put women in one of two kitchens:

1. A quiet, clean kitchen
2. A messy kitchen that featured a ringing phone

Women in the messy, kitchen with a ringing phone ate 65 more calories in 10 minutes.

The study was published by the Cornell Food and Brand Lab.

Stress has long been associated with overeating – and if keeping a clean kitchen will in fact help you eat less, by all means make it a priority. This is a holistic principle that suggests nothing happens in a vacuum. Every area of your life affects every other.

Of course, keep a kitchen clean and organized isn’t so easy if you’re not naturally inclined, or overwhelmed with your to do list as it is. If this is the case, you’ll need to break down the process in to steps, or follow a system that allows you do get it done systematically.

Clean kitchen equals clean diet? It makes sense.



Cornell Food & Brand Lab. “Clean kitchens cut calories: Cluttered kitchens cause over-snacking.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 3 February 2016. <>.

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