News & Articles By Vicki Batts
By Vicki Batts
Eat these 10 foods to fight aging
Everyone loves being told they look great for their age. After all, who doesn’t want to look young forever? With these 10 foods, you can help your skin maintain its youthful radiance and mature gracefully. And as a bonus, you’ll feel as good as you look! Avocado – Rich in skin healing vitamins E, B […]
By Vicki Batts
Load up on fall veggies
The season of yellow and orange leaves and vegetables is upon us. Potatoes, onions and pumpkins abound – and what a wonderful thing it is. Most fall vegetables are notorious for storing well as long as they are kept in a cool, dry place – like your basement or the back of your pantry. Onions […]
By Vicki Batts
Why is zinc such an important mineral?
Zinc has gained fame for its ability to support the immune system and fight the common cold. It’s an essential nutrient to human life, and one that people are commonly deficient in. In addition to immune system support, zinc also aids in the growth and development of the body, beginning in infancy. It also maintains […]
By Vicki Batts
Why you should eat seasonally
There are some foods people just know are in season. Apples are in the fall, and peaches are in the summer. You wouldn’t want to eat berries in February, that’s for certain. Every fruit and vegetable has a season, though what’s in our supermarkets may not always reflect that. It’s actually quite beneficial to follow […]
By Vicki Batts
New EU guidelines leading shift away from artificial coloring
Coloring Foods supplier GNT suggests that the global confectionery market will begin to shy away from artificial and additive colors as the industry shifts to conform to new EU guidelines. These new guidelines define exact criteria to differentiate between Coloring Foods and artificial colorants. And, after November 29, all products used to color food and […]
By Vicki Batts
5 common food cravings, and what to eat instead
Everyone gets food cravings, but is it the chocolate you really need, or the magnesium that it contains? Obviously, everyone needs some chocolate or some potato chips once in a while as a little treat, but learning to eat healthier, more nutritious foods instead can help you maintain or lose weight. It’s not simply a […]
By Vicki Batts
7 natural remedies for anxiety
These 7 natural cures are proven to help eliminate stress and anxiety, and they don’t have any negative side effects like pharmaceuticals so often do. Many medications will make you feel lethargic and dazed, and often come with many serious health risks. These natural remedies are a great way to avoid those side effects. Chamomile […]
By Vicki Batts
Top 12 foods for a flat tummy
Being bloated is a terrible feeling. It makes you self-conscious and can even ruin what would otherwise be a good time. Well, say goodbye to that bloated belly. Here are 12 foods to fight bloat and bring you peace of mind: Papaya – contains papain, a protein-digesting enzyme. Avocado – contains lipase, which helps break […]
By Vicki Batts
8 foods to fight seasonal depression
Fall is here, and rogue Christmas decorations are already mingling in with Halloween costumes. These foods will help keep you from developing that familiar fall and winter malaise. Fatty fish – the omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D will keep your brain happy. Our body produces vitamin D in sunlight, so in winter months be […]
By Vicki Batts
Why you should eat real pumpkin this fall
While pumpkin-flavored things are delicious, and the spices used to make something “pumpkin-flavored” can be pretty good for you – it wouldn’t hurt to eat the real thing, too. The best part about pumpkins in the fall is that you can use the whole fruit. Yes, pumpkin is a fruit! And it’s got a wide […]
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