News & Articles By usafeaturesmedia
By usafeaturesmedia
Ladies, How Important is Sleep to Your Fitness? Let’s Review Some Research
When we think of fitness, the things that probably leap into our minds are exercise, supplements, nutrition and mental health, among others. But how many of us consider how important proper rest is in our overall fitness equation? Sleep is extremely important in the fitness chain, and on many fronts. It is imperative, in fact, […]
By usafeaturesmedia
After your workout, don’t forget to fuel up
The fact is, everyone knows that nutrition is vital in helping us get healthy and reach our fitness goals. What’s more, essential nutrition involves pre- and post-workout “fuel,” if you will, in addition to the meals we eat through the day. Post-workout refueling is important because high intensity workouts really fatigue our bodies. Following killer workouts we need […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Clean and green – Inspiring urban farm grows an astonishing three tons of produce a year on a mere 1/10 of an acre
( With food prices steadily rising over the last several years, by as much as five percent, families are scaling back and going without many staples just to put a meal on the table. Or worse, resorting to ‘bargains’ like fast food specials, subsidized SNAP junk food or just plain instant noodles to fill a hungry […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Top 7 reasons why the food you produce should be organic
( There are plenty of good reasons why, in a world increasingly filled with processed – and over-processed – foods, that eating organic not only makes the most sense for your body, but for the planet as well. Here are seven reasons why you should switch to the organic food lifestyle, if you haven’t already: 1. […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Grow Your Own Superfoods in Your Home Garden This Year
( When most people think of the term “superfood,” they think of exotic fruits or imported vegetables from places with foreign names and distant locales. In reality, many of the foods you likely eat and even grow in your own garden are superfoods. The common definition of a superfood is any food (fruit, vegetable, etc.) […]
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