News & Articles By usafeaturesmedia
By usafeaturesmedia
When it comes to weight loss, we already know all we need to know
( Weight loss. Its what’s on most adults minds at this very moment, and if it isn’t now it will be later. And for those people who never have to worry about their weight… we all hate you! We live in the era of the trendy diets like “The Zone” and “Atkins”. We live in the […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Keep depression at bay with an exercise regimen
(USA Features Media) For a person with depression and anxiety, exercise may seem like something that is hard to include in an already difficult life. Depression often results in a lack of energy and increased feelings of tiredness, so the thought of getting ready, out the door, and exercising might seem overwhelming. However, exercise has been […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Exercise is key to avoiding cancer, says study
( No one likes to think they may get cancer someday, especially when we’re younger. But given many of the toxins in our foods, water and air, as well as our increasingly sedentary lifestyle, our chances of getting cancer are significantly higher now than at any time in history. Exercise, believe it or not, is […]
By usafeaturesmedia
The 10 TOP superfoods for women
( Rushed. That’s how women feel in the modern age. In a hurry to get the house cleaned, the shopping done, the kids to school, that presentation for work ready. No one expects more from us than we expect from ourselves. Trying to cram 30 hours of ToDos into each day means we are bound to […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Yoga for your face is an ‘anti-aging’ exercise
( No one wants to look in the mirror and see wrinkles. That’s why the cosmetic industry creates hundreds of “anti-aging” beauty products every year, capitalizing on our obsession with looking young – and making billions of dollars out of false promises. Most of the products on offer don’t actually have any real anti-aging benefit for […]
By usafeaturesmedia
If you hate running sprints, this study is for you
( It is well known that exercise is beneficial in helping to prevent heart disease and improve our overall quality of life. What is not completely understood is whether we can still witness health benefits later in life by running shorter durations or distances, or at a reduced intensity. It is a commonly held belief that […]
By usafeaturesmedia
HOW you eat is as important to your fitness as WHAT you eat
( Achieving bodybuilding goals requires careful attention to what you eat, but do you ever think about how you eat? The art of eating has a lot to do with your body’s efficiency in utilizing the food you select so carefully. Improving your digestion also requires paying attention to such diversified matters as chewing, environment, and […]
By usafeaturesmedia
It’s finally happening: More doctors are recommending fitness over Big Pharma
( A health center in Boston’s Roxbury neighborhood has implemented a new program that helps patients access a gym membership for just $10 a month. Instead of focusing solely on prescribing drugs, tests and physicals, internists and psychologists now have the free will to prescribe exercise. The $10 a month gym memberships also include aerobics classes, […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Is smoking pot good for long-distance runners?
( Running and smoking pot might sound like two mutually exclusive activities, but marijuana use among runners has increased over the years. Several athletes claim that eating marijuana edibles beforehand actually enhances the running experience, calling into question whether cannabis is a performance-enhancing drug. For years, scientists believed people experienced what is known as a “runner’s […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Is binge-eating destroying your fitness goals? Here’s why you do it and how you can stop
( You’ve been running all day. You get the kids off to school, race to work, get a few errands done and if you have time, try to knock off a few more things on your to-do list. Now it’s about three o’clock. You’ve just made it home in time for the school bus, start to […]
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