News & Articles By usafeaturesmedia
By usafeaturesmedia
Are you living within your ‘circle of wellness’?
( Are you well? At the heart of that casual question, asked in everyday conversation, lies the secret to living a life of optimum balance and vitality. If you could taste wellness, what would it be like? Perhaps like the first bite of a crispy, green apple. If you could smell it, it might smell like […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Build more muscle using the ‘fatigue’ method rather than heavier weights
( Do you like to hit the gym and go heavy, because you believe that is the best way to gain mass and size? While it’s true that some days should be dedicated to lifting your max, most training days should not. And science proves it. A recent study out of McMaster University says that lifting heavy weights is not the best […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Got pilates? Here are the benefits of this wonderful exercise regimen
( Have you ever taken time to really learn about pilates, and what kind of good you can derive from it? If you do, you’ll be surprised at what you learn. Well, pilates dramatically transforms the way your body looks, feels and performs. It builds strength without excess bulk, creating a more toned body, slender […]
By usafeaturesmedia
How our thoughts can heal us through the mind-body connection
( The “new biology” is challenging many long-held beliefs that affect us in the areas of psychology, physiology, and spirituality. As the quote below indicates, mind-over-matter was an idea advocated by Kabbalists of the 18th century, but it came to be regarded as a fantasy, a theory that received very negative reviews in “modern” times. Once […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Why you need to do cardio, too, instead of JUST lifting weights
( The ability of the heart and lungs to provide oxygenated blood to tissues, coupled with the the muscles’ proper use oxygen is called cardiovascular fitness. Aerobic activity increases cardiovascular fitness. It involves using the larger muscle groups during sustained physical movement. Most physical fitness experts recommend doing some aerobic exercise 5-6 days per week for […]
By usafeaturesmedia
These 10 superfoods will help reduce your stress levels
( There is just no doubting that higher levels of stress can definitely affect your appetite. For some, stress reduces appetite and for others stress causes ravaging hunger. Either way, you need healthy, organic food that soothes stress so that your body can cope. This is the very best form of medication. Of course, many […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Before you juice, make sure you learn to avoid these mistakes
( More and more people are learning of the benefits of juicing as a way to manage weight and ensure getting enough of the right nutrients to keep the body running like a well-oiled machine. But a lot of us have not been properly educated in the best ways to approach juicing. If you’re doing it incorrectly, you may not […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Here are 5 ways to gain the self-confidence you need for the perfect life
( Faith is the most needed trait when obtaining what you want out of life. It is known that when you tell yourself something over and over, and if you hear something over and over, you will eventually believe it. That is exactly what we must do in our lives to attain what we want. A […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Are glandulars your way to a bigger, more powerful body?
( I’d like to say a few hundred words about glandulars. That’s right – glandulars. They’re making a comeback. Now that steroids are getting major attention from local and national law enforcement, many health enthusiasts are pushing glandulars again. Not long ago I noticed at least five major publications carrying full-page ads attesting to the magnificent […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Three ways to get rid of those ‘love handles’
( Your goal in losing your lovehandles is to reduce body fat throughout your body, particularly your abdominal muscles. To do this, it will require a diet that is high in fruits and vegetables and one that is low in fats and sugars. There are several key areas to focus on here.We’ll focus on three […]
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