By Rhonda Johansson
Do you have this natural painkiller growing in your back yard?
Known as the “poor man’s opium”, wild lettuce is an excellent and natural painkiller. Lactuca Virosa can be used as an alternative to traditional and often addictive prescription painkillers. The power of this vegetable – a cousin to the lettuce we buy at the grocery store – is found in the white substance produced in its leaves […]
By Amy Goodrich
Discovery reveals plant based aspirin medicine was used 50,000 years ago
Neanderthals are our closest extinct relatives. They left Africa some 200,000 years ago to venture into Eurasia long before humans did. It is believed that, for a while, Neanderthals and our early human ancestors lived alongside each other in Europe. While Neanderthals looked quite similar to us, they are often thought of as our dumber, […]
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