strength training
By usafeaturesmedia
9 Advantages Women Can Gain Through Strength Training
( When it comes to getting a toned and slim physique, you should not overlook the benefits of strength training. While you might not want a heavily sculpted body, strength training nonetheless offers additional benefits that make it worth including in your regime. In all actuality, strength training is an area that trainers should be actively […]
By usafeaturesmedia
What is the best way to build muscle FAST?
( Okay, this is a question you’ve probably asked yourself or heard asked like a thousand times, but really, it’s not a question that is easily answered because the muscle building process is not something that happens overnight, obviously. If you read something or buy something that says it will make you huge virtually overnight then it is […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Power Up to Slim Down
You don’t have to be Charles Atlas to power up with strength training. This kind of exercise is a key to fitness for everyone – especially seniors. Stacks of scientific studies prove this. In fact, senior muscles may benefit more from strength training than young ones. Strength training has many names. Resistance training, weight lifting, […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Give that treadmill a rest and pick up some weights
Do you know girls who show up at the gym and stay on the treadmill the whole time? Now, I get that it’s good they’re going to the gym because exercising and cardiovascular health is very important. But those girls may be shorting themselves by never picking up any weights. It’s time to change that […]
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